fanworks and discussion of the film :)

My write-up on Them's Gay Cowboys Ranked article!

A while ago, as in ... October of last year, Them released an article about Queer cowboys in cinema. My SpaceHey has a thing about it! Please be nice. I'm shy!!!

fanfic twine game #1

I really like Twine as a resource for making fic. It's a shame because I haven't seen many people using it for that! I love interactive fiction in general, but Twine is just as fun for linear stories as it is for nonlinear. I like Twine for this because it's sort of a big game of word association! I can't always include every detail I think of in regular narrative, but I get a lot more leeway outta Twine since you've got the opportunity to read it all and then explore the hyperlinks, too. I'm about as good a fic writer as I am good at HTML. That's to say-- my skills are NIL! But there's not a whole lotta fan content for Midnight Cowboy out there! So I'll put this out there for the sake of the handful of people that'll read it.

ALSO is this just me or is Joe a billion times harder to write than Rico?? Maybe I'm cuckoo but I dunno!

My Desperate Souls, Dark City, and the Legend of Midnight Cowboy review

I didn't like it. Wahoo!! It's so sad, too. I really wish I enjoyed it!