stardate 5987.4


Here's a thing that I was working on when I first starting playing around with STSB stuff. You'll notice Sirena looks a bit WEIRD, right? Initially the uniforms had a weird sashy kind of thing. A half-vest kind of deal. I really like the idea, but it's impractical for a scouting ship + it was hard for me to work out how to place ranks. At first, there was going to be an embroidered section on the lower half of the vest- like the ranks on the crew sleeves in TOS. I ended up ditching the vest idea, but not for lack of trying.

ALSO!! Some context if you're curious!! I'm really fond of the character Trelane, from TOS. He's a sort of baby-Q and has similar powers to one. He's much more powerful than a human. Gothos was like his toybox.