I eat Cannibal!

a gif labeled BACK HOME
A drawing of Ethan from the TV show My Babysitter's a Vampire. He is a slouching teenager with middle-length brown hair. He wears a grey hoodie, with a blue star trek shirt underneath. He wears baggy brown pants and grey sneakers.

MY BABYSITTER'S A VAMPIRE? Cool. Good for her!! This film is so iconic. I love seeing Trekkie characters that aren't totally uh. obnoxious! Benny could have toned it down sometimes though T_T. Here's Ethan. On rewatch, this movie is still wicked. I wasn't really surprised at this, but woah!!

a line-up drawing of Doc and marty from the film series back to the future. The first drawing of doc is him in a blue 1800's-era dress. it has flowered accents. the second drawing of doc is him in his traditional hazard suit, which is white. underneath is a tan shirt with a green and pink collar. doc is an older man, around 60 years old. he has a blond/white receding hairline and dark brown eyes. the final line-up is a drawing of marty mcfly. marty seems to be smiling somewhat nervously. he wears a orange puffy vest over a jean jacket- over a white flannel- over a red tee shirt. mart has brown middle lengthed hair. his eyes are blue and he has freckles. he wears a pair of blue jeans and red sneakers.

I had a stint during July of a few years ago where I was REALLY into Back to the Future. Which is weird. I HATE its politics. I don't like Zemeckis (see: the aforementioned politics). I don't find the films particularly good or funny. BUT I like Marty and Doc. That was really it. I had a whole OC x fiction thing vagued out for it. It involved fixing the stuff I didn't like (Mostly Marty not caring about his parents and his past being entirely different + his family being virtually unrecognizable ((see: the aforementioned... aforementioned politics and idk. A freshman-year textbook on Reaganomics)), Marty's dad hiring Biff at the end of BTTFI, the iffy chemistry between Doc and Clara and more). Anyways. Here were my takes on Marty + Doc, plus a sick new outfit for Emmett.

oh ricky dicky doo dah grimes. what's up with you, dude?

draw your bbygirl in this. and if your babygirl is daryl dixon. uh. well i guess this is what that looks like. cool!

back to the top!

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